Vision Tips For A Better Night's Sleep 
We all have a nightly routine. But what we may not realize is that some of our bedtime habits could be harming our eyes and overall health.

Here's a few helpful tips to help you get some better shut-eye:
Take Your Contacts Out Before Going To Sleep
We know that after a long day it can be hard to take your contacts out, but you should never skip this step! Nearly one million Americans visit the eye doctor each year with infections related to exercising improper contact lens hygiene.
Because contact lenses rest directly on the eye, they decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches your eyes from the environment. When left on longer than recommended, they deprive our eyes of much needed oxygen. This can lead to infection, inflammation, abrasions, and even permanent damage. So, do your eyes a favor and be sure to remove your contacts before going to bed at night!
Steer Clear Of Your Smartphone Right Before Bed
You may not know it, but your smartphone may be throwing off your sleep cycle. Light is an important natural cue that tells our bodies when to wake and when to sleep. Smartphones, TVs, laptops, and the like emit what is called blue light—a form of light emitted by the sun.
So, when you’re scrolling through your phone while in bed, your brain reacts as it would to sunlight. This causes your body to stop producing melatonin, an important hormone that regulates sleep cycles. Thus, inappropriately timed exposure to blue light can lead to insomnia.
Get Enough Quality Shut-Eye
Getting enough sleep should be a top priority. Sleep deprivation can cause red, bloodshot eyes, dark circles, eye twitching, dry eyes, and blurry vision. Not only is lack of sleep bad for your eyes, but it’s also extremely detrimental to your overall health.
Chronic lack of sleep can increase your risk of many long term health issues such as:
- Weight gain
- Depression
- High blood pressure
- Heart failure
- Stroke
- Accident-related injury
- Poor quality of life
Studies even show an increased mortality risk for those reporting less than six or seven hours per night. So the next time you hit the hay, you can feel good knowing how important it is for your health!
Your Health Is Important To Us
As your trusted vision care providers, our Vision Source® partners make your health our priority! We know that sleep sometimes takes a back seat to the hustle and bustle of our day-to-day lives, but don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Now go get some rest. You deserve it.
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