Searching for an Eye Doctor in Encinitas?
Click here to find an eye doctor near you.
Our network of independent optometrists has two locations in Encinitas as well 27 other practices spread throughout the San Diego area.
Check out our Find a Doctor tool to view the offices closest to you. Once you're there, you'll also have the option to filter results by insurance and specialties.
About San Diego Independent Doctors of Optometry
We are a group of primary eye health providers conveniently located throughout San Diego County. We're all members of Vision Source, an alliance of more than 3,200 independently owned optometric practices across the United States.
Our optometrists are industry leaders who provide highly personalized eye care, innovative treatments, and high-quality vision products.
What you can expect at any of our offices is state-of-the-art technology, comprehensive eye care services, the latest in eyewear, and unmatched personal care by a certified optometrist.